Welcome to Buena Vida Farm. We grow vegetables and blue spruce trees on the front range of Colorado.
We offer B&B blue spruce trees in wholesale quantities (ten or more)
Our Trees
Buena Vida Farm is happy to announce the availability of our Colorado Blue Spruce—picea pungens glauca—hearty tree stock for landscaping. A mature block of trees ranging from 8-12 feet tall is ready to harvest from our farm between Windsor and Fort Collins. We offer wholesale competitive pricing based on quantity, size, delivery approach, and harvesting method.
Trees up to a 44-inch diameter root ball we will ball and burlap for you to pick up from the nursery in a trailer of your own. Alternately, and for larger trees, allow us to recommend a tree mover with a truck-mounted tree spade for direct delivery to your site.
Rouge vif d'Dtampes grows in a Blue Spruce tree
Pumpkins Galore
We have more than 30 varieties of pumpkins planted in what we call Block Five—ready to harvest and sell. Look closely, and you will see our newly planted Blue Spruce and Austrian Pines. The pumpkins are growing in between the rows of trees—double planting!
Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto
Vegetable growing at Buena Vida Farm added a new dimension when we launched Hispanic Women’s Farming Proyecto—a non-profit program in cooperation with Fort Collins Community Action Network. Our goal is to give Hispanic women, some of whom are recent immigrants and refugees, an opportunity to earn money for their families while learning about agriculture: soil health, planting, mulching, irrigation, harvest, marketing and sales. To learn more about the Proyecto, click here: www.proyectofarming.org
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